
Explore a collection of publications by Ph.D. students, showcasing their contributions to academic research.


  • Deep underground measurement of 11B(α,n)14N 
    T. Borgwardt, R. deBoer, A. Boeltzig, M. Couder, J. Görres, A. Gula, M. Hanhardt, K. Manukyan, T. Kadlecek, D. Robertson, F. Strieder and M. Wiescher
    Phys. Rev. C. 108, 035809 (September 2023)


  • Investigation of the 14N(p,γ)15O reaction and its impact on the CNO cycle
    B. Frentz, A. Aprahamian, A. Boeltzig, T. Borgwardt, A. M. Clark, R. J. deBoer, G. Gilardy, J. Görres, M. Hanhardt, S. L. Henderson, K. B. Howard, T. Kadlecek, Q. Liu, K. T. Macon, S. Moylan, C. S. Reingold, D. Robertson, C. Seymour, S. Y. Strauss, F. Strieder, B. Vande Kolk, and M. Wiescher
    Phys. Rev. C. 106, 065803 (December 2022)
  • Direct measurement of the low-energy resonances in 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg reaction
    Shahina, J. Görres, D. Robertson, M. Couder, O. Gomez, A. Gula, M. Hanhardt, T. Kadlecek, R. Kelmar, P. Scholz, A. Simon, E. Stech, F. Strieder, and M. Wiescher
    Phys. Rev. C. 106, 025805 (August 2022)
  • Measurement of Low-Energy Resonance Strengths in the 18O(α,γ)22Ne Reaction
    A.C. Dombos, D. Robertson, A. Simon, T. Kadlecek, M. Hanhardt, J. Görres, M. Couder, R. Kelmar, O. Olivas-Gomez, E. Stech, F. Strieder, and M. Wiescher
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 162701 (April 2022)
  • Commissioning of the 4π γ-summing array HECTOR at CASPAR: measurements of 27Al(p,γ)28Si resonances 4850 feet underground
    O. Olivas-Gomez, A. Simon, D. Robertson, A. C. Dombos, F. Strieder, T. Kadlecek, M. Hanhardt, R. Kelmar, M. Couder, J. Görres, E. Stech, M. Wiescher
    Eur. Phys. J. A (2022) 58:57 (March 2022)