Presentations & Talks

Talks Presented Since 2018

Speaker Talk Title Location Date
D. Robertson CASPAR Underground Nuclear Astrophysics Laboratory current and future status Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, 2023, Kona, HI Dec. 2023
D. Robertson CASPAR, Recommissioning and Upcoming Issues SNEAP 2023, Argonne National Lab, IL Oct. 2023
D. Robertson CASPAR recommissioning and upcoming planning Low Energy Community Meeting, MSU, MI Aug. 2023
D. Robertson ISNAP Acceleraor Physics - Application and Techniques NSAC Long Range Plan Meeting, Argonne National Lab, IL Nov. 2022
D. Robertson CASPAR Underground Facility - Results and Future CAARI-SNEAP, Denton, TX Oct. 2022
F. Strieder CASPAR - Nuclear Astriophysics Underground 4th CoSSURF, Rapid City, SD May 2022
M. Wiescher The first Steps in the Chemical Evolution of the Universe University of Edinburgh Seminar May. 2022
M. Wiescher The enigma of 14N(p,γ)15O - the source of the solar CNO neutrino flux April IOP Meeting, Surrey Uk May. 2022
M. Wiescher CNO neutrinos in the Sun JINA Frontiers lecture series, Online Apr. 2022
A. Simon CASPAR: Nuclear Astrophysics a Mile Underground APS April Meeting 2022, New York Apr. 2022
M. Wiescher The Status of CASPAR IReNA Workshop, Rome Italy Apr. 2022
M. Wiescher The Vision of CASPAR IReNA Workshop, Rome Italy Apr. 2022
D. Robertson CASPAR and DIANA: Underground Nuclear Astrophysics Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting 2021, Online Oct 2021
Shahina Measurement of the low energy resonances in 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg reaction Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting 2021, Online Oct 2021
O. Gomez Commissioning of HECTOR at CASPAR: 27Al(p,γ)28Si resonance strength measurements 4,850 feet underground Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting 2021, Online Oct 2021
A. Dombos Measurement of low-energy resonances in the 18O(α,γ)22Ne reaction Previews of the Future in Low-Energy Experimental Nuclear Physics - National Postdoctoral Seminar Series, Online May 2021
O. Gomez Commissioning of HECTOR at CASPAR University of Notre Dame, Nuclear Physics Seminar Nov. 2020
A. Dombos Measurement of low-energy resonances in the 18O(α,γ)22Ne reaction University of Notre Dame, Nuclear Physics Seminar Oct. 2020
O. Gomez Commissioning of HECTOR at CASPAR: 27Al(p,γ)28Si resonance strength measurements 4,850 feet underground Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting 2020, Online Oct. 2020
T. Kadlecek Measurement of low-energy resonances in the 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting 2020, Online Oct. 2020
A. Dombos Measurement of low-energy resonances in the 18O(α,γ)22Ne reaction Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting 2020, Online Oct. 2020
D. Robertson CASPAR and DIANA: Underground Nuclear Astrophysics IReNA Virtual Workshop on Stellar Burning - 2020, Online Jun. 2020
D. Robertson CASPAR and DIANA: Recent and Future Underground Nuclear Astrophysics Results Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics, NPA IX, Frankfurt, Germany Sep. 2019
D. Robertson Recent and Future Underground Low Energy Nuclear Astrophysics Experiments Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposia, HIAS 2019, Canberra, Australia Sep. 2019
M. Wiescher Neutron Sources for the i-process Workshop on the physics of the i-process, Vancouver, Canada May. 2019
B. Frentz Measurement of the 14N(p,γ)15O CNO cycle reaction at CASPAR JINA-CEE Frontiers Meeting, East Lansing, Michigan May 2019
T. Borgwardt Pulse Shape Discrimination of 3He Proportional Counters Via Rise Time Discrimination at CASPAR APS April meeting 2019, Denver, Colorado Apr. 2019
A. Boeltzig Current Status of CASPAR, an Accelerator for Nuclear Astrophysics Deep Underground LNGS invited seminar, Italy Jan. 2019
B. Frentz Measurement of the 14N(p,γ)15O CNO cycle reaction at CASPAR Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting 2018, Kona, Hawaii Oct. 2018
D. Robertson Commissioning and first measurements at the CASPAR underground accelerator facility Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting 2018, Kona, Hawaii Oct. 2018
D. Robertson Compact Accelerator System for Performing Astrophysical Research Low Energy Community Meeting Aug. 2018
M. Wiescher Clusters and Mirrors Invited talk at SOTANCP4, Texas, USA May 2018
D. Robertson The CASPAR Underground Nuclear Astrophysics Facility JINA-CEE Frontiers Meeting, Notre Dame, Indiana May 2018
M. Wiescher Neutron Sources in Stars and HD environments GSI Colloquium, Germany Apr. 2018