Unearthing the secrets of a star

Author: Andy Fuller and William Gilroy

At 4,850 underground at the former gold mine, researchers and staff board the shaft elevator to return to the surface at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota.
At 4,850 underground at the former gold mine, researchers and staff board the shaft elevator to return to the surface at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. (Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame)

Copernicus. Galileo. Hubble. For ages, humans have looked up at the night sky to ponder the secrets of the universe. The flickering stars have been the stuff of fascination and research for millennia, from men and women who mostly turned their gaze ever upward to study the vastness of space. Yet today, a group of University of Notre Dame astrophysicists is going down — way down — in a new attempt to gain an understanding of the evolution of stars.

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Originally published by Andy Fuller and William Gilroy at news.nd.edu on April 04, 2016.